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Established EU best practices will be applied to the Israeli setting based on the mapping results in order to harmonize PH educational programmes with the workforce needs and increase the employability of PH graduates. This will be accomplished in part through the modernization of the HEI educational practices with an emphasis on leadership training and problem-based learning as well as outreach to key stakeholders and employers.

Analysis of Field Qualifications and PH educational programmes. In this preparatory work, the WHO-ASPHER Competency Framework for the Public Health Workforce in the European Region will be adapted to perform a detailed analysis of field qualifications content to understand different professional roles in the Israeli Public Health System. Concurrently, ASPHER’s European Core Competences List for Public Health Professionals will be used to map the competences profiles of the Israeli schools and programmes.

The mapping results will be applied in three main activities

ASPHER’s European Public Health Reference Framework (EPHRF) will be used to guide the development of a dynamic online interface to enable public health education/training – practice/workforce collaboration, supporting employability.

Leadership capacity via cutting edge training in the Israeli public health schools and programmes, including peer-to-peer and train the trainers offerings will be established.

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